CBD Treatment

CBD oil for pets

Navigating CBD Oil Rules for Pets in the United Kingdom

In recent years, the popularity of CBD (cannabidiol) products has surged, and not just among humans. Pet owners are increasingly turning to CBD oil as a potential remedy for various pet ailments, from anxiety and arthritis to epilepsy. But when it comes to using CBD oil for pets in the United Kingdom, it's crucial to be aware of the rules and regulations in place to ensure the well-being of your furry friend. In this blog post, we'll explore the CBD...

CBD for Inflammation: Natural Relief and Wellness

CBD for Inflammation: Natural Relief and Wellness: A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Inflammation Naturally

CBD for Inflammation: Natural Relief and Wellness In today's fast-paced world, chronic inflammation has become a common concern for many. Whether it's due to stress, dietary choices, or underlying health conditions, inflammation can wreak havoc on our bodies, leading to discomfort and long-term health issues. Fortunately, nature has provided us with a powerful ally in the fight against inflammation: CBD, or cannabidiol. In this blog post, we will explore the potential of CBD in managing inflammation and how it can...


How to maintain your Homeostasis

How to maintain your homeostasis? When our bodies become deficient in certain nutrients and vitamins, we eventually. The balance within our body also known as our ‘homeostasis’ will be thrown out. When this happens, our immune system and nervous system are not functioning properly. Which leads to inflammation, disease, and ultimately bad health. Rebalancing your homeostasis before the disease is allowed to flourish within your body means you have to spot it. The signs of disease develop at an early stage...


CBD In MMA: How it could help

CBD in MMA: Cannabis has long been banned in professional sports. Although THC (the main intoxicating compound in cannabis) remains banned under WADA, USADA, and other anti-doping organizations, regulators have since lifted the ban on CBD & CBD products. Thanks to this and the overall rise in CBD’s popularity, many MMA fighters are now using CBD as a natural, safe, and legal way to improve their recovery. In particular, CBD has given MMA fighters an excellent alternative to opioids for...


CBD For Acne

CBD for acne: can it help? CBD For Acne is a common skin condition that affects more than 9% of the global population. It is thought to be caused by a number of factors, including genetics, bacteria, underlying inflammation and the overproduction of sebum, an oily secretion made by sebaceous glands in the skin. The studies Based on recent scientific studies, CBD (cannabidiol) may be able to help treat acne due to its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to reduce sebum production. Multiple studies...


CBD for Joint Pain

CBD for joint pain So how effective is CBD at treating joint pain? Everyone has a cell-signaling system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Some researchers believe that CBD affects the ECS receptors in your body — and, in particular, the immune system. What is CBD? Cannabis/hemp plants contain a bunch of naturally occurring chemicals called cannabinoids. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of those chemicals. However, CBD is different from tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), because it’s not psychoactive. This means it won't produce the “high” feeling often associated...

can children use water soluble CBD for autism?

Can children use CBD? Can children use water soluble CBD for autism? Is it better than CBD oil?

So can children use CBD? Children can use water soluble CBD and it is better than CBD oil. This is actually the best method of delivery for children to take CBD. Because our water soluble is liposome encapsulated, it's protected from the bodies stomach acids until it reaches the intestines. Water soluble CBD can be added to water, juice, food or taken direct. Whichever way you choose to take it, you can guarantee that you will absorb close to 100% of...

How do I take CBD oil?

How do I take CBD oil? How to CBD Oil

There are several ways to take CBD as it comes in different forms. Tinctures are the most popular ways people buy CBD. Taking it sublingually is the most common way. You must hold it under your tongue for 2-3 minutes so the CBD is absorbed through the salivary glands. CBD capsules are the most simple way to take CBD, you know exactly how much you are taking and all you have to do is swallow. Water soluble CBD can be...


Will CBD help autoimmune diseases?

Will CBD help autoimmune diseases? Will CBD help autoimmune diseases? Studies have discovered that CBD is an immunosuppressant and immunomodulator, and it has anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation can cause or contribute to many autoimmune diseases, and taking CBD could help reduce that inflammation. Those who have hyperactive immune systems that end up attacking themselves could benefit from the immunosuppressant properties that CBD offers. Will CBD help autoimmune diseases? Ongoing trials We need to perform several more studies about the relationship between CBD and the...


Synthetic CBD is on the way

Can I overdose on CBD oil? What is the highest dose advised by doctors? Whether you are a fan of using natural products or chemical substitutes, most synthetic medicines are copies of nature. A recent study into CBD and inflammation caused by Covid-19 have shown positive early results. This has triggered pharmaceutical companies to make a synthetic CBD that can be licensed for use in Covid-19 patients. It is currently in the preclinical trial stages and has shown good results in...




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CBD (cannabidiol) interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, promoting balance and homeostasis. It may help alleviate pain, reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and potentially have other therapeutic effects.

Encapsulated water-soluble CBD offers enhanced bioavailability and absorption. It dissolves easily in water, allowing for better distribution throughout the body, potentially increasing the effectiveness and quick onset of CBD's benefits.



The most revolutionary CBD product on the market. Incorporate water soluble CBD into your daily ritual and enjoy 5 to 20 times increased bioavailability and absorption – far superior to leading brands of regular CBD oils on the market.


We all contain an incredibly complex and important Endocannabinoid System in our body that helps to regulate the functions of our nervous and immune systems.

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